February 29, 2008

Small Mixer at Mountaintop

This was my wallpaper on my cell phone for a few months. Its a small mixer in the media room at Mountaintop Community Church. (where I go to church). I also run our crane camera for the TV show on ABC 33/40. Check us out Thursday nights and Sunday Mornings.

February 23, 2008

Ming's Horses

Mings horses at Ming's Chinese Restaurant on 280... within walking distance of my apartment. I love this bas-relief that they have hanging in their lobby. It looks like the horses are coming right out and are going to run into the restaurant. Cool stuff.

February 13, 2008

Heating the atmosphere!

I just thought this was dumb... We turned on these heat lamps on the patio with no covering, so we were just heating the atmosphere with our gas... dumb...