March 4, 2007 - Stargazers Take in Lunar Eclipse Across World - Science News | Current Articles

I got to see this tonight at the Summit / Cheesecake parking lot! pretty cool... Lasted from about 6:10 - 8ish (I got too cold.) I snapped a few pictures which I'll post here when I get them... There was about 5 cars parked around for our little viewing...

Josh - Stargazers Take in Lunar Eclipse Across World - Science News Current Articles: "Stargazers Take in Lunar Eclipse Across World
Saturday, March 03, 2007

March 3: The moon during an eclipse as seen from Germany.A dark red shadow crept across the moon Saturday during the first total lunar eclipse in nearly three years, thrilling stargazers and astronomers around the world.
Partly visible on every continent, residents of Europe, Africa and the Middle East had the best view of the phenomenon, weather permitting.
About a dozen people gathered at the Croydon Observatory in southeast London to watch the start of the eclipse.
'It's starting to go!' said Alex Gikas, 8, a Cub Scout who was studying for his astronomy badge. 'I've never seen anything like it before. I'm really excited.'

The eclipse was clearly visible, thanks to clear, crisp weather in southern England.
Lunar eclipses occur when Earth passes between the sun and the moon, an uncommon event because the moon spends most of its time either above or below the plane of Earth's orbit."

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